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Table 2 Baseline characteristics, follow-up and outcomes of the cohort by ethnic group

From: Using the kidney failure risk equation to predict end-stage kidney disease in CKD patients of South Asian ethnicity: an external validation study


White (N = 27017)

South Asian (N = 2728)

Age (years)

76.6 ± 10.3

70.2 ± 11.6

eGFR (ml/min/1.73 \({m}^{2}\))

48.0 ± 9.88

48.1 ± 10.6

ACR (mg/mmol)

3.10 (1.30, 7.70)

4.90 (1.60, 13.8)



11,300 (42)

1286 (47)


15,717 (58)

1442 (53)

Diabetes mellitus

8251 (31)

1450 (53)

Heart failure

2558 (9)

209 (8)

Cardiovascular disease

8982 (33)

792 (29)


19,001 (70)

1902 (70)

Follow-up and outcomes

Follow-up time (years)

Mean ± SD

4.74 ± 2.52

5.66 ± 2.78

Median (IQR)

4.72 (2.76, 6.55)

5.79 (3.41, 8.18)

Time to needing KRT (years)

Mean ± SD

3.46 ± 2.34

3.63 ± 2.27

Median (IQR)

3.16 (1.60, 4.94)

3.35 (1.83, 5.17)


Within 5-year follow-up

5421 (20)

220 (8)

Death rate

Per 1000 person-years



KRT events

Within 5-year follow-up

290 (1)

104 (4)

KRT rate

Per 1000 person-years



  1. Results are given as mean ± standard deviation, median (interquartile range) or number (%). Comparisons of the data to the development data are found in Major et al. [8]. eGFR Estimated glomerular filtration rate, ACR Albumin-to-creatinine ratio, SD Standard deviation, IQR Interquartile range, KRT Kidney replacement therapy